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- TURBO-LESSONS - A Pascal Tutorial Version 1.01 Page 74
- OBJECTIVES - In this lesson, you will learn about:
- 1. Range of Real Numbers
- 2. Input/Output of Real Numbers
- 3. Calculations with Real Numbers
- 4. Calculations with Integers and Real Numbers
- 1. Range of Real Numbers
- For business processing (dollar amounts), and scientific
- processing, integers alone are not adequate. Decimal numbers and
- sometimes numbers in scientific notation are needed.
- TURBO provides Real Numbers with 11 significant digits of
- precision in the range:
- 1E-38 to 1E+38
- (The BCD version of TURBO provides 18 significant digits and a
- range of 1E-63 to 1E+63, but this set of TURBO-LESSONS deals
- with the more limited range above.)
- ##### DO:
- Run PROG16.
- Enter 444.333222111 and examine the result presented in
- scientific notation.
- How many digits are retained before the E? (I counted 11,
- including digits on both sides of the decimal point.)
- This is the 11 significant digits of precision. Note that the
- last 1 you entered was dropped.
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- TURBO-LESSONS - A Pascal Tutorial Version 1.01 Page 75
- 2. Input/Output of Real Numbers.
- You will need to know what to expect with various combinations of
- input and output of real numbers.
- ##### DO:
- Run PROG16.
- Enter 444.333222111 and study the various outputs.
- When the real number, A, is output without any formatting,
- scientific notation is used:
- 4.4433322211 are the significant digits.
- E+02 means multiply by 10 to the 2nd power to get the number.
- If you want the number presented in some other form, you can add
- the :w:d formatting to the name of the variable to print.
- :w Width of the print field
- :d Decimal positions to print
- WriteLn(A:10:2); This statement would print the number, A, in a
- print field 10 characters wide, with 2 decimal positions.
- Look at the outputs on the screen again. The formats used are
- printed at the left. Square brackets are printed to show the
- width of the field and where the numbere is printed (left or
- right-justified).
- :-w Width of print field, left-justify the number.
- Notice the use of the minus sign to force printing of the number
- at the left of the field.
- What happens to the print field width when numbers are printed
- left-justified?
- ##### DO:
- Run PROG16 with 3.4567 as input.
- What happens when a print format is specified which will not hold
- all of the significant digits? Is the number rounded?
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- TURBO-LESSONS - A Pascal Tutorial Version 1.01 Page 76
- 3. Calculations with Real Numbers.
- ##### DO:
- In PROG16 change the ReadLn(A) to ReadLn(B).
- Add after ReadLn(B):
- A := B + C;
- The result printed will be the sum of B, which you enter, and C
- which is a constant, -2.0.
- Run the program with 2.34 as input.
- Are the results as expected?
- In scientific calculations, very large, and very small numbers
- are sometimes needed. Can you enter these in a convenient form
- without a long string of zeros?
- The radius of the earth is 6370000 meters.
- This is the same as 6.37 times 100000
- Which is the same as 6.37 times 10 to the 6th power
- Which may be entered as 6.37E6 or 6.37E06
- or 6.37E+6 or 6.37E+06
- ##### DO:
- Run the program with 6.37E6 as input.
- Try the other 3 forms listed above.
- Are the results the same in all cases?
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- TURBO-LESSONS - A Pascal Tutorial Version 1.01 Page 77
- ##### DO:
- Run the program with 6370000 as input.
- Does it make any difference whether the number is input in
- scientific notation or in the usual form?
- ##### DO:
- Run the program with 6.37E7 as input.
- What happens when the result is too large for the format?
- (Count the character positions used to print A:10:2).
- ##### DO:
- Get a new copy of the original PROG16.
- Run the program with 6.37E-6 as input.
- Notice the unformatted output is correct, but the formatted
- output shows nothing but zeros.
- The result, A, is 0.00000637, with significant digits too far to
- the right to show up in the formatted output.
- ##### DO:
- Change the WriteLn format, A:10:2 to A:10:6. (Notice there are
- two A:10:2's in the statement).
- Run the program with the following values:
- 6.37E6, 6.37E-6, 6.37E-4
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- TURBO-LESSONS - A Pascal Tutorial Version 1.01 Page 78
- 4. Calculations with Integers and Real Numbers.
- What happens when you mix Integers and Real numbers in
- calculations?
- ##### DO:
- Get a copy of the original PROG16 and make the following changes:
- Change ReadLn(A); to ReadLn(I);
- Change the prompt to Write('Enter an Integer: ');
- Add after the ReadLn statement:
- J := I + C;
- Run the program.
- What results did you get?
- The "Type mismatch" refers to J.
- Since the calculation involves both an integer, I, and a real
- number, C, the result cannot be stored in an integer variable.
- If the result had significant digits after the decimal, they
- would be lost when stored as an integer.
- ##### DO:
- Change the calculation to:
- A := I + C;
- Run the program.
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